Do you require a service program for your aircraft?
Does your head hurt just from thinking about all the required technical documentation, gathering of materials and translating invaluable manuals? You do not have the time to fill out massive amounts of paperwork for the civil aviation authority?
We will do it for you with pleasure! The experience during our certification process under Part-M, gives us the capability to successfully form a service program that is compatible with regulations and requirements imposed by the civil aviation authority. Instead of wasting your precious time, hand your case into the capable hands of our experts that do this on a day-to-day basis.
We will successfully create a service program for technical support and maintenance test flights, plus translate all of the service and operating manuals from English to Polish.

In order to acquire more detailed information, please contact our following representatives:
Andrzej Kacprzak: +48 506-188-816
Łukasz Wojdyło: +48 506-188-820